Basics from the Basque Country

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Begoñazpi Ikastola (Infant Education stage) is going to start a new European Project based on the basics from the Basque Country.
We would to know more about the other schools particpating: Poland, Czech Republic, Ireland and Northern Ireland. But before we start with the main topic we would like you to know better where Begoñazpi school is located on.
Infant Education children will try to give to you some information about the surroundings of the school, our city (Bilbao) and our province (Bizkaia) and we would like to know something more about you school too!
After doing all that, each group of children of the same age will work on a basic from the three provinces of the Basque Country (Autonomous Basque Community):
3-year-olds: Araba
4-year-olds: Bizkaia
5-year-olds: Gipuzkoa

