
Olentzero is our Christmas favourite character. He delivers presents for us the night of the 24th and we open those presents 25th in the morning, if we are not very good during the year he brings pieces of coal, sometimes these pieces of coal are sweet and we love it!
Olentzero will come to our school the 23rd, we are looking forward to seeing him and singing his song! We have already wrote our letters and we will have some presents in all the classrooms.
We will sing for you "Olentzero's song" that day but before that we will show it to you.
You can try to sing with us!!
Olentzero joan zaigu
mendira lanera,
ikatz egitera.
Aditu duenean
Jesus jaio dela
lasterka etorri da
berri ematera.
Horra horra
gure Olentzero
pipa hortzetan dula
eserita dago.
Kapoiak ere ba'itu
bihar meriendatzeko
botila ardoakin.
Olentzero buru handia
entendimentuz jantzia
bart arratsean edan omen du
hamar arroako zahagia.
Ai urde tripahandia!
Tralaralala, tralaralala.
Ai urde tripahandia!
Tralaralala, tralaralala.
Olentzero has gone
to the mountains to work
with the intention
of making charcoal.
When he heard
that Jesus has been born
he came running
to bring news
There is, there is
our Olentzero
with the pipe between his teeth
he sits.
He also has capons
with little eggs,
to celebrate tomorrow
with a bottle of wine.
Olentzero big head
robed in understanding
is said to have drunk last night
a wineskin of ten arrobas
Oh big-bellied pig!
Tralaralala, tralaralala.
Oh big-bellied pig!
Tralaralala, tralaralala.

There are a lot of pictures of  "Olentzero" but he has always the same characteristics. He is fat, he wears beard, he smokes a pipe and he is dressed with the typical basque costume, he lives in the mountains, he has got a donkey that helps him delivering presents.